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Gainesville, FL, Gum Disease Treatment

Reclaim Your Oral Health With Gum Care

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Gum Disease

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease also called periodontitis and periodontal disease is a relatively common infection of the tissues that hold the teeth into place. Nearly 50% of the adult population in the United States of America is suffering from some form of periodontal disease. This can include occasional bleeding, gum recession around teeth, bone loss, mobility, and tooth loss. Gum disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth which produces plaque and your body’s inflammatory response. Without proper home care and regular maintenance cleanings to remove plaque and tartar, the disease can progress. The longer tartar sits in the mouth, the more harmful and destructive it becomes to the jaw bone, gums, and gum tissue.

Different general dentistry treatments are available from your periodontist in Gainesville, FL, depending on the severity of your gum disease. It is important to treat active periodontal disease through deep teeth cleanings or alternative periodontal treatments prior to entering maintenance care. Many patients with chronic periodontal disease are seen in combination with a periodontist, sometimes alternating care. At maintenance appointments, we will evaluate the health of your bone and tissue, verify the disease is not progressing, and continue to closely monitor. We see these patients for at least three appointments each year for cleanings. Contact Van Dyke General and Implant Dentistry to book an appointment with a dentist in Gainesville.

Gainesville Periodontal Disease Treatment

What Does Gum Disease Look Like?

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a serious infection that can leave you with bad breath, tooth decay, and even an increased risk of stroke and heart disease, among other serious health issues. There are multiple periodontitis stages through which the condition progresses, from mild cases that are often responsive to treatment to severe cases that may result in tooth loss.  At its earliest stages, gum disease is known as simple gingivitis. It’s a compound problem that worsens over time as plaque builds up on your teeth. This plaque buildup erodes away the soft tissue of the gums that hold your teeth in place. It’s best to resolve the issue before it becomes chronic periodontitis or you need emergency dental care from a Gainesville dentist. Contact our office today!

Causes Of Gum Disease

Our mouths are full of bacteria. Along with mucus and other particles, these bacteria form a sticky, white, or yellow-colored plaque on and in between the teeth. Plaque is among the most common gum disease causes. Practicing a proper oral hygiene routine twice each day can help get rid of plaque. Any plaque that remains on the teeth, however, can harden and become tartar. Tartar is a hardened, solidified version of plaque, yet tartar cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. Only a member of our Gainesville dentistry team can remove tartar. There are a number of risk factors for gum diseases, such as smoking, diabetes, hormonal changes, medications that reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth, genetic susceptibility, and certain illnesses and medications used to treat them. For more information about the causes of gum disease and how to defend yourself against them, contact our dentist’s office.

Gum Disease Symptoms

If gum disease is left untreated, it can advance from gingivitis — a mild form of gum disease that can typically be treated with brushing and flossing at home, accompanied by regular dental cleanings with a dentist — to aggressive periodontitis. Periodontal conditions are aggressive. When left untreated, periodontal diseases can destroy the gums, bones, and ligaments that support the teeth. Eventually, teeth from infected areas have to be removed.

Therefore, it is essential to schedule regular cleanings and checkups with our dentists to make sure that your mouth, gums, and teeth are healthy. If there are early signs of gum disease, we can diagnose it and begin treatment immediately. The following discusses some of the most common periodontitis symptoms, though individuals with gum disease may experience additional symptoms that indicate the presence of periodontal disease.

Bad Breath

There are numerous bacteria naturally found in the mouth. However, the growth and spread of certain bacteria on teeth, gums, and the tongue due to poor oral care can create persistent bad breath or halitosis.

Sensitive Gums

Bacteria, plaque, and tartar can cause inflammation of the gums (apical periodontitis) causing them to become red, swollen, and tender. The gums may also bleed easily while brushing, flossing, eating, or without physical pressure.

Receding Gums

Gum disease makes teeth appear more elongated. But, in reality, gums with disease recede from the teeth. This leaves the teeth exposed and vulnerable to additional bacteria and infection, as well as other health issues.

Loose Teeth

Gum disease can destroy the periodontal ligaments (connective tissues) and alveolar bones in the mouth. These structures hold the teeth in place and prevent them from shifting or coming loose. Losing these structures often results in tooth loss.

Gum Pockets

When the gums recede above the tooth line, gaps called “pockets” can form. Inside these gaps between the teeth and gum line are the perfect conditions for harboring bacteria that cause bad breath and oral infections.

How To Treat Gum Disease

It’s important to get help in finding and pursuing the appropriate gums disease treatment when the condition is in its earliest stages. The first step of most periodontal treatments is thorough dental exams and deep teeth cleanings, known as dental scaling and root planing. In active gum disease, the tissue has detached and created deeper pockets that cannot be cleaned with a general cleaning or at-home care. Tarter and bacteria above and below the gum line must be properly removed to begin treatment. Most patients are numbed before their deep cleaning in order to ensure complete cleaning and to provide their gums with the best chance to begin to heal for subsequent gum treatments and therapies. Pediatric dentistry can help instill good hygiene habits in your children and help you find ways to make dental care fun and easy.

Flossing and brushing with a soft toothbrush twice a day should be enough to deter serious gum disease. You can also use a periodontitis mouthwash to keep harmful bacteria from building up over time. Your dentist in Gainesville, FL, can help you determine which brand is the right fit for you. There’s a serious risk of heart conditions associated with advanced gum disease. If you take proactive steps to fight gum disease, you’ll be better equipped to reduce infection, inflammation, and other serious health risks that aren’t associated with your teeth and gums. If you need an emergency dentist, then Van Dyke General and Implant Dentistry in Gainesville is here to help you. Contact us today to schedule periodontitis treatment and maintenance therapy and to learn more about our available general dentistry services.

How To Prevent Gum Disease

Floss Daily

Floss daily. It’s best to use a single filament floss that won’t shred between your teeth. You can visit your Gainesville dentist to find out which brand is right for you.

Brush Teeth At Least Twice A Day

Plaque build-up can be effectively combated by making regular brushing a habit, and not a chore. The toothbrush should be placed at a 45-degree angle to the gum line and should be brushed across the teeth in smooth, circular motions. Regular brushing is one of the best ways to avoid a dental emergency.

Use An Antiseptic Rinse

Rinsing your mouth twice a day with an antiseptic mouthwash can also help prevent and in some case treat gum disease. Most practitioners of pediatric dentistry don’t recommend a mouthwash that contains alcohol, but it’s safe for adults.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is extremely detrimental to your gum health. The smoke reduces oxygen in your blood, restricts blood flow and prevents your gums from healing. So it’s best to eliminate this habit from your lifestyle altogether. If you smoke every day, then you’re increasing your risk of a dental emergency exponentially.

Visit Your Dentist

One of the most powerful ways to prevent gum disease is to visit your dentist in Gainesville, FL, regularly to have the plaque removed. You can stop in once every six months so your dentist can track your progress and properly clean your teeth and gums. Your dentist in Gainesville is an expert at spotting trouble areas and can help you maintain a healthy dental lifestyle.